Religious Education

(part of the Parish Religious Education Program, PREP)

Saint Martha Parish Religious Education Program consists of all aspects of Faith Formation, whether for adults or children.

For our children who do not attend Catholic schools we have our CCD program. For older children we have CHIP (Children’s Initiation Program) and for adults we have RCIA. So, whether you have been Baptized Christian and wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church by receiving Sacraments, Baptized Catholic but have not received any other Sacraments, or have never been Baptized at all, the Parish Religious Education Program can bring you home.



“Parents are the first and most important educators of their children” (Pope John Paul II) They have the responsibility to train their children in the practice of their faith. We expect that all children in our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP), all homeschooled children, school children, and those in our CHIP program attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. Parents who do not bring their children to Mass may be jeopardizing the ability for their children to receive the Sacraments.

Registration for 2024-2025 school year is now open.

HOW TO REGISTER:  You can simply call me and we’ll set up a date/time for you to come in and I’ll register you right in the office. I am available (with advance notice) days or evenings. Contact the rectory at 215.632.3720 or my desk at 215.668.8332. When registering your child please keep in mind that children NOT Baptized at Saint Martha Church must present a Baptismal Certificate and all children must complete the registration form. Click here to download and print the registration form.


Here is some information you’ll need to know:

CCD PARENTS – TRADITIONAL (in the classroom)

– There is a meeting on Saturday September 7 at 10:AM in the Parish Hall. Please do not miss this or cancel out at the last minute.

– All registration must be completed before your child can be admitted into class. No child can be sent to a classroom without having been registered. No child will be registered on the first day of class. Please re-read that last sentence.

– All fees are due at the time of registration. If this is a problem, please speak with me and we will make payment arrangements. Nothing is impossible.

– Four absences are the most allowed for your child without action. CCD is just one day/week and asking your child to be present is not unreasonable.


– Please complete one unit/week with your child and have it submitted.

– At year’s end, those who did not complete the the book will be called in for a final exam which will determine the child’s status for the following year.


– 2nd Grade: Must physically attend class from January 5 through and including March 2

– 3rd Grade: Must physically attend class from January 5 through April 26

– 6th Grade: Must physically attend class from January 5 through the end of the year

– 7th Grade: Must physically attend class from September 8(1st class) through Confirmation

– Homeschoolers should also come to St. Martha on the following dates: September 22, December 8, and March 23. On September 22 they should arrive no later than 9:00AM and go directly to the church for Confessions (3rd grade and above). On December 8 and March 23 they should arrive no later than 8:30. They will meet with me from 8:30-9:AM at which time those in grades 3 and older will go to Confession at 9:00 in the church.

FEES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Registration is:

$125/child (one child only)

$100/each child (two children)

$80/each child (three or more children)

3rd graders should add $70 to their fee.

7th graders should add $100 to their fee.


About our CCD Program: The PREP Program of Saint Martha Parish is designed to teach your child(ren) about the Catholic Faith and prepares them for the reception of their Sacraments: First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.  Our knowledgeable catechists volunteer their services so that your child may become more fully incorporated into the Catholic Church as an informed and practicing Catholic.

On this website we go into some guidelines for you and your child.  You will read, for example, that we fully expect you to become involved in your child’s experience here at St. Martha Parish.  Our catechists see your children only once a week.  You see them every day.  So we expect you to check their book bags for important communications from their teacher, for their homework assignments and for their study guidelines.  We expect you to make sure your child completes his/her assignments and comes to class fully prepared.  We expect that you will make sure they are ready to take the tests that will be given.  Most importantly, however, we expect that you will take an active role in teaching your child by your example.  Your child, in order to to receive the sacraments, must attend Mass. Let us say this again, your child MUST attend Mass in order to receive the Sacraments. So we assume that you will attend Mass every Sunday with your child. (The 10:00 Mass is recommended).  We also assume that you will come to Reconciliation with your child on a regular basis. Children who are not brought to Mass every Sunday may not be eligible to receive Sacraments.

Also on this website, you’ll see our attendance policies, our promotion policies, and our policies on holding back a child, or recommending further study before a Sacrament is administered.

So, you see, we here at St. Martha are not the only ones who teach and work with your children.  We do what we do in partnership with you.  Together, we can make a difference in your child’s life.  We cannot do it without your help, your suggestions, and your prayerful support.

If ever you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please feel free to write me at or call 267.668.8832. You can always catch me on any given Sunday to speak face to face. I always enjoy talking with the parents of our children.  I, and all of us associated with St. Martha PREP look forward to working with you in this up and coming year and for the years to come.

Art Calvo, Religious Education

267.668.8332 (office)         215.290.2449 (cell)

A Certificate of Baptism is required if your child was not Baptized at St. Martha Parish. Please Note: Children must be registered prior to the first day of classes.   No child will be admitted to class without being registered.


Registration Fees are as follows:

Sacramental fees will be collected at the time of registration. For Holy Communion and Confirmation PREP, a second book is given at no charge. 

Sacramental fees include photographer, videographer, downloadable link of the sacrament, Mass book, scapular, rosary, pin, and gown(Confirmation only).

Discounted Fees

2 Children:  Book is free for each child (Fee is $100/child)

3 Children or more:  Book is free for each child and registration fee is only $80/child

Your child’s teachers are:

K:                         Mrs. Cheri McMenamin

1st Grade:         Mrs. Donna Hudson-MacGregor (Miss Donna)

2nd Grade:      Mrs. Carmen Rodriguez (Miss Carmen)

3rd Grade:      Mrs. Lisa Crego (Miss Lisa)

4th Grade:     Mrs. Bernadette Hudson

5th Grade:      Mr. Matthew Castle (Mr. Matt)

6th Grade:      Mrs. Michelle Whitely (Miss Michelle)

7th Grade:      Mr. Art Calvo


09.07.24                         Parent Meeting in School Meeting Room                   10:00 AM

09.08.24                         First Class

09.22.24                         CCD Confessions for grades 3 and up.                            9:00AM 

11.10.24                           Confirmation Sponsor Practice                                      11.00AM Church

11.15.24                           Confirmation Retreat Day                                                  8:00 – 2:00

11.16.24                          Confirmation                                                                           4:00PM Mass

12.01.24                         No Class (Thanksgiving)

12.08.24                         CCD Confessions for grades 3 and up                            9.00AM

12.29.24                         No Class (Christmas/New Year Break)

02.19.25                         Evening of Reflections (parents of 2nd graders)       7:30PM Church

03.01.25                         First Reconciliation                                                              1:00PM Church

03.09.25                         CCD Mass                                                                                 10:000AM

03.23.25                        CCD Confessions for grades 3 and up                              9:00AM

04.20.25                         No Class (Easter)

04.25.25                         First Holy Communion Retreat Day                                8:00 – 2:00

04.26.25                         First Holy Communion                                                        11:00AM

05.04.25                         Last Class



Saint Martha Religious Education Department is proud to offer the option of Home Schooling to our parents. Contact Art Calvo at 215.632.3720 for details. 

Home schooling your child does NOT excuse him/her from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Your child must also meet with Art Calvo three (3) times/year for an assessment. We usually make those meetings on the days when we have PREP Confessions. 

Grades 2,3,6 must physically attend classes when the teacher begins their Sacramental preparations. For grades 3 and 6, this would be sometime during the second half of the year. For grade 2, it would be sometime during the first half of the year. Grade 7 must physically attend from the first day of class through one week after being Confirmed. (See schedule above).

ALL homebased children must attend three meetings with Art Calvo during the year.

Home Catechized children are required to submit end of unit tests to Mr. Calvo. If a child lags behind or it is deemed he/she is not grasping the knowledge of our faith as a child in his/her grade level should, the option of Home Based Catechesis will be withdrawn.